Friday, June 14, 2013


Thursday, june 13 2013

I try to make it routine now that when I come back from work, after Maghrib prayers, dinner then after Isya’, to read the Quran. I continued from where I last stopped. Yayang turns on the Quran mp3 when we sleep. I try my best not to miss any prayers.

That part is where I have control over.

It is my work that I’m worried about. I’m quite unhappy when at the office. I’m bored eventhough I have lots to do. I don’t look fwd to it, even teaching. I find that I loathe the company of people.

I just want to go away to somewhere secluded and quiet with minimum human interaction for this whole entire pregnancy. And beyond. Go somewhere with lots of trees, surrounded by nature. Where I can just read, walk and write.

Forgive me for my thoughtlessness.

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